Head & Neck Treatments
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Facial Hair







Dull Skin or Uneven Texture/Tone
Dull or uneven texture/tone therapy is targeted at increasing collagen formation, exfoliating outer layers of skin, decreasing free radical damage, and increasing moisture/oxygen/circulation.
Several serums can be used to improve dull skin or texture, including: PRP, Growth factors, hyaluronic acid, collagen, elastin, vitamin A & C. To assist with product penetration into your skin for improved and longer lasting results, you can create access channels into the various layers of tissue with MN, RFMN, or rezenerate nano-needing, overly a therapeutic mask, and apply ultrasound or electrocurrent.

Aging Skin
Collagen induction treatments offer the longest-lasting, most beneficial treatment to flatten wrinkles by healing and replenishing the structural support deep within the skin. After the age of 30, we not only stop producing collagen but we gradually lose 1-2% of our collagen support structure each year. By rebuilding the internal framework, the skin is directly lifted and supported, thereby flattening the wrinkles, not just covering them.
Exfoliative treatments, including chemical peels, oxygeneo, microdermabrasion, and dermaplaning are used to gently remove the outer layers of dead and older skin cells. These treatments are intended to assist in the cellular turnover that would naturally occur, but at a faster rate than our bodies would do on their own.

Age & Sun Spots
Dark spots on the skin can occur as a sign of sun damage or aging. Your spots will need an assessment before treatment to ascertain their risk for being cancerous lesions. We have several treatment options for age spots including:
- Intense pulse light (IPL)
- Chemical peels
- Microdermabrasion
- Microneedling or RFMN
- Oxygen Facials with geneO
- Serums/Product ingredients to lighten spots and may be included. as product infusions with microneedling, RFMN, Nano-needling, or Mask therapies

Rosacea is a chronic disease, for which there is no cure. Treatment foals for rosacea include decreasing the redness and inflammation. Diet modifications (for example, avoiding foods that dilate the skin’s blood vessels, such as caffeine, spicy foods, and alcohol) can assist with rosacea, but if that is not sufficient for controlling the disease, other treatment options offered at ReVISION MedSpa include:
- Chemical peels
- Oral antibiotics

Enlarged Pores
All of our pores are naturally open—think of them as important openings that allow our skin to breathe. Each pore also contains an oil gland that produces sebum, and when hormones stimulate these glands too much to produce excess sebum, they cause the pores to appear larger and more open. A decrease in collagen, which happens as we age, also can cause the pores on skin to appear bigger. For some, visible pores are simply hereditary. To make pores appear smaller, rebuilding the collagenous structural support has a tremendous impact. Different options to induce collagen production include MN, RFMN, RF, LED, oxygeneo, oxygen facial and High Frequency. IPL has also been found to decrease the appearance of pore size by stimulating collagen

Acne/Acne Scars
The goals of acne treatment include killing P. acnes bacteria, reducing inflammation, eliminating clogged pores, and reducing scarring. Because the treatment plan is three-fold, often treatments only help with 1 or 2 parts of the treatment plan. Combination therapy is, therefore, often recommended. Be sure to check out our 6-month membership specials for acne treatment including the Star, Gold Star, and All Star packages!
Facial Hair
From removing hairs one at a time via electrolysis to removing the “Peach fuzz” vellus hair on the surface of the face with dermaplaning to full face & body laser hair removal with the CynoSure vectus, we’ve got you covered with hair removal options.

Eyes & Brows

Crows Feet
You’ve earned every single one of the little smile lines around your eyes’ outer corners that many call crows feet. Sometimes, however, you want to keep the memories but remove the toll the frequent smiling has brought to your eyes. ReVISION MedSpa has numerous ways to help you achieve your goal!
- Neurotoxins will give a nearly immediate result by temporarily weakening the muscles that cause wrinkles. Results typically last 2-4 months.
- Collagen induction treatments (RFMN, RF, MN, IPL, LED) offer the longest-lasting, most beneficial treatment to flatten wrinkles by healing and replenishing the structural support deep within the skin.
- Alternative treatment options include:
- microcurrent to strengthen and tone surrounding muscles
- oxygen facials

Eyelid Hooding or Droopy Brows
Hooding of the eyes and drooping of the brows can not only be unsightly, but it can also limit your peripheral vision. We offer non-surgical means to lift the brows and both surgical and non-surgical means to reduce the extra skin over the eyes reducing the hooding effect.
Chemical brow lift uses neurotoxins to dampen the effect of the muscle pulling the brow down, thereby crowding the skin into the upper eyelid. These results are temporary, typically lasting 2-4 months.
Skin tightening via collagen induction can give a more permanent result. Collagen induction is one of the most effective ways to tighten the skin by rebuilding the structural support deep within the skin. Collagen induction treatments (RFMN, RF, MN, IPL, LED) offer the longest lasting, most beneficial treatment to tighten the skin by healing and replenishing the structural support deep within the skin.

Dry Eye with MGD
Tears are made of oil, water, and mucus. Artificial tears help replenish the water layer of the tears, but can also wash away the natural oil and mucus our eyes need. Meibomian Glands help make the oil for our tears and these glands can often be compromised. Aging effects, ocular irritation (contact lenses, cosmetics, allergies, etc), hormonal changes, genetics, diet, dry environment, high cholesterol / triglycerides, autoimmune disorders, and medications (namely accutane (isotretinoin) and glaucoma eye drops) are the most likely causes of MGD.
- IPL helps reduce dry eyes by ameliorating the health of the meibomian glands. IPL reduces inflammation in the glands and heats the oil to liquify it leading to improved secretion. We typically recommend one treatment every 2-4 weeks for four total treatments followed by a maintenance treatment once a year. (
- Radiofrequency helps dry eye by heating the oil glands helping to liquify the oil assisting with draining onto the eye surface. Radiofrequency is a good treatment for dry eye for someone who is not a candidate for IPL.

Ocular Rosacea
Ocular rosacea can result in dry eye, blepharitis, and chronic irritation and inflammation of the eyelids and lashes. IPL helps to eliminate the blood vessels that bring the inflammation to the skin surface. By eliminating these blood vessels, we are effectively eliminating the inflammation, thereby eliminating the effects of ocular rosacea.

Demodex Mites
Blephex is another treatment that can be used to physically rid the body of the mites and crusts that line the eyelids and lashes via an extensive scrub process….think of this being the eyelash equivalent of going to the dentist to have the plaque removed. You can brush your teeth daily, just like washing your eyelids daily, but that is often not enough. That’s where Blephex comes in. It is recommended to have a Blephex treatment twice a year.

Eyelid and Eyelash Crusting (Blepharitis)
Blephex is another treatment that can be used to physically rid the body of the mites and crusts that line the eyelids and lashes via an extensive scrub process….think of this being the eyelash equivalent of going to the dentist to have the plaque removed. You can brush your teeth daily, just like washing your eyelids daily, but that is often not enough. That’s where Blephex comes in. It is recommended to have a Blephex treatment twice a year.

Refractive Errors (eliminate glasses/contact lenses)
Refractive Laser Vision Correction is performed at ReVISION MedSpa and Lasik Center through services provided by Dr. Schneider at Schneider Eye Physicians. If you are seeking Laser Vision Correction, we will refer you to Schneider Eye Physicians for your testing and consultation and your treatment will be performed on-site at ReVISION MedSpa and Lasik Center.

Wrinkles (“Bunny Lines”): Bunny lines, the little lines on the sides of the nose when you laugh or smile, could be signs of aging but are more likely to come as a side effect to neurotoxin use. Neurotoxins, while paralyzing some muscles, cause overaction of others resulting in these tell-tale lines. The treatment, ironically, is more neurotoxins applied to the overactive muscles.
Additionally, any treatment that helps build collagen or flatten wrinkles will help lessen Bunny Lines. These treatments include: RF, MN, RFMN, IPL, Geneo, Oxygen Facials, Red Light LED therapy, microcurrent, chemical peels, and microdermabrasion. These treatments are also amplified with PRP, PRF or hyaluronic acid infusions.
Contouring: Fillers can be used to flatten out nasal bumps and even out asymmetry. This is often called a liquid rhinoplasty and can be used as a temporary alternative to surgery. The results typically last 6-12 months.
???Enlarged pores—link to enlarged pores page listed above???
Mouth, Lips, Smile, & Perioral

Gummy Smile
If you are unhappy with your “gummy smile” (showing a lot of your upper gums when you smile), this can be addressed with Neurotoxins.

Downward Turned Mouth
Does your mouth have downward turned corners giving you a constant sad/mad face at rest? You can have neurotoxins placed to relax the muscles pulling the corners of your mouth down and “Turn that frown upside down”! This treatment gives you not only a happier, more approachable look, but also a younger, more rested, and rejuvenated appearance.

Thin Lips
For thin lips, fillers can help bulk up the tissue and neurotoxins can be used for a “lip flip” effect making the lips appear more luscious and full. Nano-needling with hyaluronic acid can also be used as a more subtle approach for filling the volume.

Rough Texture to Lips
Microdermabrasion can be used to provide a gentle exfoliation. ofthe upper surface of the lip skin. By causing a more rapid turnover of the skin cells, the newly exposed skin cells are healthier and better hydrated.

Perioral Wrinkles (Smokers lines, Prominent nasolabial folds, Marionette lines/jowls)
Toxins/fillers: When people think of getting rid of lines and wrinkles around the mouth, they often look right to Neurotoxins and fillers. While these treatment methods give wonderful and fast results, the results are relatively short lived as the underlying cause of the wrinkles/lines has not been addressed. If you need a “quick fix” Neurotoxins and Fillers are a great choice.
Collagen induction: If you are looking to reduce or eliminate the lines and wrinkles by giving your skin a true reversal of the aging process then any treatment that helps build collagen will help reduce smokers lines, prominent nasolabial folds and marionette lines/jowls. These treatments include: RF, MN, RFMN, IPL, Geneo, Oxygen Facials, Red Light LED therapy, microcurrent, and high frequency.
Exfoliation: Treatments that cause the skin to shed/replenish at a faster than natural rate helps retain moisture in the skin which will flatten superficial fine lines / wrinkles, but not deeper, larger wrinkles. These treatments include chemical peels, and microdermabrasion.
Many of the previously discussed treatments are also amplified with PRP, PRF or hyaluronic acid infusions.
Prominent chin cleft: If you were born with a prominent chin cleft that bothers you, Fillers can help with flattening out the cleft.
Dimpling: Chin dimpling, also called “orange peel” or “Golf Ball” chin, occurs from an overactive mentalis muscle. Using neurotoxins to relax this muscle, the dimpling can be softened. If your chin is dimpling due to acne scarring Neurotoxins would not be effective (See head/neck→skin→acne for treatment options)
Double chin: A double chin has historically been challenging to treat. Double chins can come from lifestyle/dietary choices, but also from aging or weight loss with saggy skin or purely genetics. To treat a double chin, we must first determine if the double chin is coming from excess fat collection in the neck/chin or if it is coming from sagging/redundant tissue. If you are seeking non-surgical improvements in your double chin, you can consider:
- Laser lipolysis with SculpSure for destroying the fat
- Kybella injections for killing the fat cells
- Skin tightening through collagen induction via RFMN, RF, MN and IPL are going to be the most successful treatment strategies. Other treatments that will also tighten the skin, albeit to a lesser degree, include LED, oxygen facials (including Geneo and Intraceuticals oxygen facials) and high frequency. Collagen induction may also be recommended in conjunction

Chronic pain (shingles, trigeminal neuralgia, TMJ): Whether you are suffering from trigeminal neuralgia, TMJ or post-herpetic (shingles) pain, many resources have demonstrated pain relief from photobiomodulation therapy (Red light LED) or from microcurrent. While we are not claiming to be pain management specialists, we do have these devices available that have been proven to successfully eliminate or at least minimize chronic pain. Each of these treatment modalities works by decreasing inflammation, increasing blood flow, and promoting healing. If you are trying to minimize pain medication, avoid surgery, or if previous treatment options have failed you, it is worth it to give photobiomodulation therapy or microcurrent a try. There are no side effects to these treatments (except a bonus of more youthful-looking skin!) so you have nothing to lose!
Bells Palsy: 1:Tuncay F et al. Role of electrical stimulation added to conventional therapy in patients with idiopathic facial (Bell’s) palsy. Am J Phys Med Rehabil 2015 Mar; 94(3): 222-8.

Double Chin
A double chin has historically been challenging to treat. Double chins can come from lifestyle/dietary choices, but also from aging or weight loss with saggy skin or purely genetics. To treat a double chin, we must first determine if the double chin is coming from excess fat collection in the neck/chin or if it is coming from sagging/redundant tissue. If you are seeking non-surgical improvements in your double chin, you can consider:
- Laser lipolysis with SculpSure for destroying the fat
- Kybella injections for killing the fat cells
- Skin tightening through collagen induction via RFMN, RF, MN and IPL are going to be the most successful treatment strategies. Other treatments that will also tighten the skin, albeit to a lesser degree, include LED, oxygen facials (including Geneo and Intraceuticals oxygen facials) and high frequency. Collagen induction may also be recommended in conjunction with one of the fat loss techniques listed above

Crepe Paper/Wrinkling
As we mature, our skin thins, developing a crepe paper consistency. Topically Retinol-based creams help restore elasticity by thickening collagen and elastin, but. you may find better success using retinols with treatments that promote collagen formation in addition to thickening the collagen. You may also consider treatments that speed up cellular turnover. Our treatments to induce collagen formation include RFMN, RF, MN, IPL, & LED.
- Add on treatments:
- Adding PRP to RFMN or MN can also stimulate even more collagen production.
- Adding TLi to LED can also increase its efficacy at collagen production.
- Adding fillers to RFMN or MN can give the tissue a temporary added fullness which helps with the crepey look.
- Chemical Peels are a great option to increase cellular turnover. By replacing your older, dehydrated superficial skin cells with younger, fresher, more hydrated skin cells, you restore your skin’s fullness and youthful appearance.
- Microcurrent can also be used to stumulate msucle contraction which helps to tighten the skin from within, minimizing the crepey appearance.

Long lines in the neck when you extend your neck or chin are called “branding”. You can see if you suffer from branding by looking in the mirror with your neck extending and your chin lifted and saying “eeeeee”. Branding can be treated, albeit temporarily, with neurotoxins such as Botox, Xeomin, or Dysport.

From removing hairs one at a time via electrolysis to removing an entire beard or partial beard with the CynoSure vectus, we’ve got you covered with painless laser hair removal options. For men who want to keep the option to grow a beard down the road or currently have a beard, perhaps just a partial neck hair removal would be a great choice to rid yourself of the pesky lower neck hairs or back of your neck hairs that you are tired of shaving.
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